title = Equilibration 32 spc/e, 1 h3o+, 1.0 g/cm^3, 700K # run parameters nsteps = 2 # for testing step = 0.0005 # = 0.5 fs (switch to 0.25 fs with 300K) density = 1.000 # g/cm^3, avg. density in constant pressure simulation at 300K. temperature = 700 # Kelvin # set units length-unit = 1e-10 # => Ångstrøm charge-unit = 1.60217733e-19 # => Qe mass-unit = 1.6605402e-27 # => AMU # temp control const-temp = 1 # nosé-hoover, takes over after scaling ended. scale-end = 125000 # 'shake well' for half of the equilib run. scale-interval = 20 # don't scale too often, let the system evolve. const-pressure = 0 # rtmass = 100 ttmass = 100 # restart settings new-sys-spec = 1 # initialize a fresh start. lattice-start = 0 # create a new restart. text-mode-save = 1 # save the results in text file, since we need # # the unit cell in the 'real' MD run. # trajectory dump setting begin-dump = 10000000000 dump-interval = 200 dump-level = 1 ndumps = 1000 backup-interval = 200 # file names save-file = 32spce-h3op.sav backup-file = 32spce-h3op.bkp temp-file = 32spce-h3op.tmp dump-file = 32spce-h3op-dump.%03d # potentials surface-dipole = 0 # dangerous with ions. use only in unpolar systems. strict-cutoff = 1 # we want an isotropic system. #cutoff = 12.5 # let the md program guess #subcell = 2.0 # let the md program guess #alpha = 0.3 # let the md program guess #k-cutoff = 2.1 # let the md program guess # rdf nbins = 1 # we use our own (and better) program to calc rdfs begin-rdf = 100000000 # we use our own (and better) program to calc rdfs # screen output page-width = 132 page-length = 500 reset-averages = 0 begin-average = 0 average-interval = 10000 roll-interval = 1000 print-interval = 1000 end ################################################################# # Molecule geometries, masses and (partial) charges # # 32 SPC/E water in Angstrom, AMU, Qe, and kJ Mol-1 spc/e 32 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.0641511 16 -0.8476 O 2 -0.81649 0.00000 -0.513209 1 0.4238 H 2 0.81649 0.00000 -0.513209 1 0.4238 H # 1 h3o+ (potential derived from SPC/E) h3op 1 3 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 16 -0.2714 O 4 0.00000 1.00000 0.200000 1 0.4238 H 4 0.86603 -0.50000 0.200000 1 0.4238 H 4 -0.86603 -0.50000 0.200000 1 0.4238 H end ################################################################# # non bonded interactions (excl. coulomb) lennard-jones 1 1 2.6008 3.166 1 3 2.6008 3.166 end