#INFO# #INFO# Configuration to build a serial cpmd executable for a linux machine #INFO# with an AMD64 bit cpu (Opteron/AthlonFX/Athlon64) using #INFO# the Portland Group Fortran compiler pgf90. #INFO# #INFO# Since the newer Portland use shared runtime libraries by default, #INFO# the creation of static binaries (-Bstatic) is highly recommended for optimal #INFO# portability of the binary. With a dynamic binary you have to install #INFO# the same shared runtime libraries on _every_ machine, where you want to run cpmd. #INFO# #INFO# You need at least PGI version 5.01 to have a correctly working executable. #INFO# Older versions, including the beta versions, produce erroneous binaries. #INFO# #INFO# For optimal performance you should use a specifically tuned BLAS/LAPACK #INFO# library. ACML version 1.0 and older do _not_ work correctly. ACML 2.0 was #INFO# tested ok. ATLAS version 3.6 works as well. #INFO# #INFO# see http://www.theochem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/~legacy.akohlmey/cpmd-linux.html #INFO# for more information on compilind and running CPMD on linux machines. #INFO# #INFO# NOTE: CPMD cannot be compiled with the GNU Fortran compiler. #INFO# IRAT=2 CFLAGS='' CPP='/lib/cpp -P -C -traditional' CPPFLAGS='-D__Linux -D__PGI -DLAPACK -DFFT_DEFAULT -DPOINTER8 -D__pgf90' FFLAGS='-r8 -pc=64 -Msignextend ' LFLAGS='-Bstatic -L. -latlas_x86-64' FFLAGS_GROMOS='-Dgood_luck' if [ $debug ]; then FC='pgf90 -c -g' CC='gcc -g -Wall' LD='pgf90 -g' else FC='pgf90 -c -fast -tp k8-64' CC='gcc -O2 -Wall -m64' LD='pgf90 -fast -tp k8-64' fi