ROUTINES AVAILABLE ------------------------------------------------------------ F.01: Periodic boundary conditions in various geometries F.02: 5-value gear predictor-corrector algorithm F.03: Low-storage md programs using leapfrog verlet algorithm F.04: Velocity version of verlet algorithm F.05: Quaternion parameter predictor-corrector algorithm F.06: Leapfrog algorithms for rotational motion F.07: Constraint dynamics for a nonlinear triatomic molecule F.08: Shake algorithm for constraint dynamics of a chain molecule F.09: Rattle algorithm for constraint dynamics of a chain molecule F.10: Hard sphere molecular dynamics program F.11: Constant-nvt monte carlo for lennard-jones atoms F.12: Constant-npt monte carlo algorithm F.13: The heart of a constant mu vt monte carlo program F.14: Algorithm to handle indices in constant mu vt monte carlo F.15: Routines to randomly rotate molecules F.16: Hard dumb-bell monte carlo program F.17: A simple lennard-jones force routine F.18: Algorithm for avoiding the square root operation F.19: The verlet neighbour list F.20: Routines to construct and use cell linked-list method F.21: Multiple timestep molecular dynamics F.22: Routines to perform the ewald sum F.23: Routine to set up alpha fcc lattice of linear molecules F.24: Initial velocity distribution F.25: Routine to calculate translational order parameter F.26: Routines to fold/unfold trajectories in periodic boundaries F.27: Program to compute time correlation functions F.28: Constant-nvt molecular dynamics - extended system method F.29: Constant-nvt molecular dynamics - constraint method F.30: Constant-nph molecular dynamics - extended system method F.31: Constant-npt molecular dynamics - constraint method F.32: Cell linked-lists in sheared boundaries F.33: Brownian dynamics for a lennard-jones fluid F.34: An efficient clustering routine F.35: The voronoi construction in 2d and 3d F.36: Monte carlo simulation of hard lines in 2d F.37: Routines to calculate fourier transforms