The shell script named 'pdfcombine' will try to combine several pdf files into one pdf file (basically by handing the job to ghostscript). This should work on most unixoid machines where ghostscript is installed. The script defaults to creating pdf files, but if you rename it to 'pscombine' or use the -ps option it will create postscript (for pscombine use -pdf to get pdf files). I even have been able to create a postscript or pdf file from a mix of ps and pdf file. If the zlibc package is installed, then on-the-fly decompression for .ps.Z, .ps.gz, .pdf.gz or .pdf.Z is also supported. To install, create a directory ~/bin, copy the file to that directory and make it executable with 'chmod +x ~/bin/pdfcombine'. Improvements, comments, suggestions or bug reports are welcome. - Axel Kohlmeyer 01.07.03